Education in a world in crisis.
Call for papers for the 12th WEEC (World Environmental Education Congress, Abu Dhabi, 29 January-2 February 2024)
It is an open call for all the authors.
“Culture of Sustainability. International journal of political ecology and environmental
Editors: Aurelio Angelini, Dario Padovan, Mario Salomone (editor-in-chief)
Education in a world in crisis. Challenges for environmental education as the focus of
reform of education systems, principles, and methods, necessary to build a genuine and
whole ecological alternative to an era of increasingly rapid change and global civil and
inter-state wars, on the borderline between the transition to a worldwide environmental
catastrophe and an ecological transition that is still uncertain and controversial.
This call is a crosscutting call aimed at all themes of the 12th WEEC.
No costs. The publication is free of charge.
Peer review. “Culture of sustainability/Culture della sostenibilità” is a scientific doubleblind peer-reviewed journal.
Languages. The journal accepts English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian papers.
Submission of abstracts: by 31st March 2024
Full papers: by 30th June 2024